Atlantic Rim Collaboratory (ARC)

The Atlantic Rim Collaboratory (ARC) is a global movement of nations and educational systems committed to advancing broad excellence, equity, inclusion, well-being, democracy, and human rights for all students within high-quality, professionally run systems.

Established in 2016, ARC brings together teams of ministers, senior civil servants, and leaders of professional associations from participating systems. Together, ARC systems:

  • •    Reaffirm and clarify core values, sharing policies and practices that represent them.
  • •    Coach and mentor each other on implementing policies that embody these values.
  • •    Visit schools and classrooms in host countries to observe these values in action.
  • •    Engage with and receive feedback from international experts and thought leaders.

ARC is based at the University of Ottawa in Canada. It was co-founded by educational change specialist Professor Andy Hargreaves and learning systems expert Yngve Lindvig. The initiative is facilitated by Steve Munby, former CEO of England’s National College for School Leadership. ARC works in partnership with LearnLab and IMTEC, Norway, focusing on developing and improving communications and learning systems within and beyond ARC. 

Participating ARC systems include:

  • •    Ireland
  • •    Iceland
  • •    Scotland
  • •    Uruguay
  • •    Wales
  • •    Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan
  • •    Leaders from the International Confederation of Principals and Education International

Why ARC Exists

The world faces significant challenges to its public education systems. Many groups experiencing poverty, belonging to racial, ethnic, and linguistic minorities, or facing exclusion due to sexual orientation or gender identity encounter educational failure and threats to their well-being. The prevalence of misinformation, immigration concerns, the complexities of digital technologies, increasing economic inequalities, restricted social mobility, poor leadership, and threats to democratic principles are stretching the capabilities of educational policymakers. Nations and systems within ARC are spearheading directions and priorities to address these challenges. ARC unites them, pushing each other forward as a movement for positive educational change worldwide. 

For more information, visit the Atlantic Rim Collaboratory website.